Noosa is surrounded by some of the most beautiful waters located in Queensland. Clean and crystal blue as far as the eye can see, making for a beautiful backdrop for fishing. Many locals and visitors to the area enjoy fishing Noosa – on and off the land.

Fantastic fishing in Noosa all year round!
With fishing in Noosa available throughout summer and winter, it’s always the season for an impressive catch. This is thanks to the incredible sub-tropical weather, keeping holidaygoers and locals in optimal comfort while they cast away.
Fishing Noosa in Summer
You can expect to catch fish like Coral Trout, Golden Trevally, Mackerel, Tuna and Marlin in summer. Noosa waters are renowned for catching many different species. Coral Trout is one of the most sought-after fish; the waters are simply brimming with them.
Fishing Noosa in Winter
In the winter, you can look forward to incredible reef fishing in Noosa. The waters offer a variety of Snapper, Mulloway, Tailor, and Winter Whiting. Wintertime also brings out Bream in abundance. These wondrous little fish appear silver with a yellow underbody, making them very good for eating. There is a generous limit of 30 you are permitted to catch. The water temperature in winter is quite cool, making excellent breeding grounds for these divine species of fish. Best of all, snagging a Bream is easy as they’re not picky about bait. You can use prawns, squid, and even bread, if necessary.
The Wild Australian Bass is another fish to watch between April and October. Best fished at dusk or dawn, these fish are not fussy about the bait used. They are extremely quick feeders, making them a thrill to catch. Be aware there is a limit with these fish of two per bag per day.
Where to fish in Noosa:
You can catch plenty on land, casting right from the headlands, rocks, and beaches or bays like Little Cove, Granite Bay, Teewah Beach, the shores of Noosa River, Webya Creek, Lake Weyba or Laguna Bay. Areas like Noosa North Shore and Double Island Point have large gutters that make beach fishing a breeze.

Take a kayak or boat and cruise the 40km of river available for larger catches. Here, you can catch everything from Flathead to Mud Crabs. Try your hand at both saltwater and freshwater fishing on Noosa River; travel further inland for the freshwater fishing spots.
Otherwise, head just 15km out to sea to the Noosa Bar for larger reef fish. Even further out Noosa has some incredible canyons for larger fish.
Fishing tours:
Many boating companies offer guided fishing tours to take you to local spots. They provide both training and knowledge about the type of fish and their habitats. Companies like the Noosa River Fishing Safari will take you through the river and river mouth. To explore beyond the shores, look to Fishing Offshore Noosa for chartered boats that will take you to the reef, deep sea or into full game fishing. You’ll be exploring not just the marine life below but the stunning reefs and ecosystems that embody Noosa.
For the total fishing experience, save a few days in your itinerary to fish both land and sea, guided or unguided, with Noosa Boat Hire. Regardless of how you choose to fish Noosa, you’ll find the waters teeming with marine life, satisfying for any keen angler.
Fishing Tips:
Noosa waters and beaches are prestigious in their own right. Noosa’s waters and beaches are known not only for their beauty but also for their exceptional fishing opportunities. They also play home to many different types of wildlife and marine life. Respecting the area you enjoy is paramount for ensuring a sustainable future. This allows fish to breed continuously and future visitors to enjoy the same experiences as you have.
Being mindful of your waste and disposing of items thoughtfully at all times is important. Always remember to take with you your rubbish. Be aware of the size of the fish you are catching and what is legal to take home. There are certain seasons when some fish are not allowed to be caught and removed from the waters. You should always check with the Department of Primary Industries regarding these regulations.
Some equipment cannot be taken onto the waters; this also needs to be verified before setting out on the open waters. Pay close attention to seasonal catches with the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Sustainability is always at the forefront of any responsible fisher; ensure you only catch what you want to eat and throw the rest back.
More information can be obtained from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.